Hi, I’m Colette.
I help you live better and work better using tools and strategies that get results.
How do I know they can make a difference for you? Because they worked for me.
Anxiety. Perfectionism. And a hearing disorder. The belief that the harder you work, the more you succeed. Sound familiar? These were my challenges and my motivators. They were the reasons why I was always early for classes and meetings, why I consistently went beyond expectations, and why I started working and volunteering at a young age. They drove me to achieve things, but they also created problems – stress, blind spots, and barriers in meeting my goals, striking a work-life balance, and just being happy.
I realized that if I wanted to reach my full potential, I needed to make a change, so I became my own life coach. I found my voice. I looked for techniques to live a life with more intention and less stress. I discovered ways to work less, but get more done. As I did, I gained more control over my feelings, my performance, and my life. And I gained more confidence in myself, not to mention more balance and happiness.
The tools, education, and realizations I developed in my journey as a recovering perfectionist inspired me to start Organize Anything in 2000. Now, I inspire change in others, motivating them to remove their own barriers, just as I removed mine.
Our journey together begins with empathy and understanding. I get to know you, your desires, and challenges and then I develop strategies that make it possible for you to tap into your full potential. It could be eliminating clutter, breaking down negative self-perceptions, or levelling the playing field, but the moments we spend together on your path to more success, happiness, and balance are the ones that I live for.
These journeys are a lifelong process, and mine continues. I’m finding new ways to give back, including 100+ Women Who Care Halifax, which has raised more than $500k for community organizations since I co-founded it in 2012. I travel the world not just to share what I’ve learned as a professional speaker but also to know, grow, and share more through socially conscious experiences. And I am continuing to learn new tools and strategies to help you. After all, being able to have an impact on one person is the key to a rewarding life. I know that from changing mine.
Now, let’s talk about how we can change yours.
The CORE of Colette Robicheau & Associates
The Colette Robicheau & Associates logo represents Colette’s holistic approach to business and professional consulting – a company is a culmination of the work ethic, reputation, and engagement of individual employees. In order for your company to fulfill its mission statement, your employees need to feel fulfilled, too – not just in their jobs, but also in their lives outside of the office.
Three rings represent LIFE, WORK, and FEEL – if you FEEL better, you will LIVE and WORK better – and this is a cyclical thing – they all feed into and off of each other; fill one up, and the other two will follow. Deplete one, and you end up depleting the other two to compensate.
At the centre of the triad is the CORE – what makes the good version of them (person or business) possible, as well as the bad – what does or does not flow out of the CORE determines how well the triad will function (like a system of waterwheels, and the spring/water source is the CORE). The CORE is comprised of:
Communication – Better communication starting with yourself, which will improve your communication with others in your personal life and professional life; Communication within the office, among management/owners, between management and employees, and between individuals regardless of position.
Organization – Of your space, time, and self (thoughts, etc.); of the business’ space, time, and processes/flow; being cluttered and in physical disarray can directly and indirectly cause anxiety and poor performance
Resilience – Building that inner strength that allows you to persevere; self-esteem/worth in the individual, and coping with learning disabilities/differences (also not just seeing the negatives, but also how to leverage the positive characteristics of those differenes); systems and procedures in the business that would allow it to continue efficiently despite a change in staffing/management, or external factors that would otherwise make a negative impact on the business.
Energy – Energy management; from an individual’s physical/emotional energy and how that impacts the whole team, to how a business functions and flows overall
I will coach your team members in these areas to strengthen the individuals’ COREs – and therefore that of the group – and have cascading effects through all the circles, making them stronger, more tightly connected, resulting in employees who feel better, work better, and live better – in and out of the office – resulting in a better working environment and increased success of your business.